Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sponsored Students

The secondary school in Matipwili is now in its third year and the 2009 school year started with a record number of students registering. 
There have been a few developments at the school..... the staff houses are nearing completion and a hostel for girls is almost ready for occupation.  This will mean that girls from other villages will be housed on site rather than in the village and will be saved the three kilometer walk to and from the village every day.
Friends of Kisampa are now sponsoring 52 secondary students from Matipwili....these are all young people who, without sponsorship, would probably not be able to continue their education.
A good many are orphans and all the others have only one parent, some of whom are unable to work. Some of the sponsored students are in their fourth year of education and, of course, we have students who have just started on the first of their five years. 

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